Welcome to my portfolio

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Md. Omor Faruk

Digital Marketer and Graphic Designer

Digital marketing involves various techniques, however, it is relatively easy to start. It can get more complex due to the scale of campaigns and their goals.

A graphic designer helps establish the visual identity of a brand that reflects its values and mission.

Skills & Information

  • Age 16
  • Address Manda, Naogaon, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • Blog https://omorfarukabs.blogspot.com
  • E-mail omorfarukabs@outlook.com
  • Site https://omorfarukabs.blogspot.com
  • Phone +880 1648-529894
  • Freelance till July 30, 2023
  • On Vacation till On Going

What Do We Offer

Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing is a platform that allows a brand to put their products and services in front of the audience and promote with the help of organic and paid means. Through Facebook marketing, brands have the advantage of generating brand awareness and interacting with customer's.

Instagram Marketing

Instagram marketing is the use of photo and video content uploaded on the Instagram platform to sell a brand’s products and services. It is also knowing how to tap similar brands or accounts who can help you with promotion and vice-versa. There are two common ways to do Instagram marketing's.

Twitter Marketing

A Twitter marketing strategy is a plan centered around creating, publishing, and distributing content for your buyer personas, audience, and followers through Twitter. The goal of this type of strategy is to attract new followers and leads, boost conversions, improve brand recognition, and increase sale's.

LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn marketing refers to the process of utilizing LinkedIn to promote an individual or business to attract attention to their profile. Businesses can establish their own company pages and subpages (e.g., for specific products) on the platform and use it to: Build brand awarenes's.

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest marketing is the practice of posting branded content on this visual-forward platform to cultivate and build awareness, connect with your audience and drive traffic to your website. Since many are looking for buying inspiration, marketing on Pinterest is a powerful way to reach new customer's.

YouTube Marketing

YouTube marketing is a strategy that involves a powerful mix of tactics for promoting products/services or brands. This includes the creation and uploading of promotional videos on the company's YouTube channel, working with influencers and using YouTube's advertisement's.


Projects Completed


Happy Customers


Cups Of Coffee



Our Portfolio.

A creative agency that believes in the power of creative ideas and great design.

Get in Touch

Feel free to drop us a line to contact us



  • Phone+880 1718-454676 +880 1648-529894
  • AddressManda, Naogaon, Bangladesh
  • Emailomorfarukabs@outlook.com
